Compendium of hubs for commons-based peer production 4Dev

Here you find a selection of hubs  for commons-based peer production that are of particular interest for for sustainable human development. Plus some links to comprehensive directories (below).

Name of hubMain functionsLogo & Link
AppropediaCollaborative solutions in appropriate technology and poverty reduction in fields like construction, energy, health, transport and water. >>
CC by Appropedia -

Appropriate technology and poverty reduction

EnergypediaPractical knowledge on production and design of renewable energies. >>
CC by Energypedia -

Design of renewable energies

FabWikiPractical knowledge about open maker machines and processes for furniture, housing and more, such as laser cutting for 2D/3D design and fabrication. >> CC by FabWiki -

Dedicated to fabric-formed concrete

Global Innovation CommonsTechnological information in the areas of agriculture, clean energy, water, world health, based on database of technologies which are patent-free in developing countries, plus an open source license for new contributions. >> CC by Global Innovation Commons -

Global Innovation Commons

Global Village Construction Set / Open Source EcologyBuilding a 'Global Village Construction Set', a modular, do-it-youself, low-cost fabrication of the 50 different industrial machines that it takes to build 'a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts'. >> CC by Open Source Ecology -

Open Source Ecology

howtopediaDiffusing 'simple technologies and practical knowledge', e.g. by sharing blueprints and resources to build simple machinery, tools and other appliances. >> CC by howtopedia -

Simple Technologies, simply shared!

knowableCollaboration, mostly on hardware products. >> CC by knowable -

Share your hardware projects and collaborate with others.

Public Laboratory for Open Technology and ScienceDeveloping and applying open-source tools to environmental eploration and investigation. Experimental tools and do-it-youself techniques around community environmental health. >> CC by public lab -

Developing open-source tools for environmental exploration

WikiEducatorA free version of the education curriculum by 2015. >> CC by WikiEducator -

Free eLearning Content.

Wikiversity & WikibooksSister projects of Wikipedia with the aim of building learning resources, learning projects, and research for use on all levels, types, and styles of education from pre-school to university (Wikiversity) and open textbooks (Wikibooks). >Wikiversity> / >Wikibooks> CC by Wikiversity -

Set learning free!

AgriwaterpediaKnowledge exchange and networking platform on agricultural water management in the context of climate change and food security. >>CC by Agriwaterpedia
OpenDeskOpendesk produces furniture on principles of Open Making and local fabrication. Most Designs are released under CCs. Designers, Makers and Prosumers work together.CC by OpenDesk OpenDesk: Workspace furniture made by local makers all around the world
WikihouseWikiHouse is an open-source project for designing and building houses. All house designs are owned by the community as a commons.CC by Wikihouse Open Source Houses
Low-tech LabLow-tech Lab is a collaborative research and documentation project aiming to share and promote low technologies. It wants to spread local and efficient low-tech solutions widely and has solutions in different languages and difficulties on its site.CC by Low-tech Lab Low-tech Lab
Careables | Open Source Hardware In HealthcareCareables is an open and inclusive approach to healthcare for citizens based on digital fabrication, distributed manufacturing and collaborative makingCC by Low-tech Lab Careables (Catalogue)
InstructablesLarge Plattform that lets people document and share creations and crafts, includes some Projects related to open source sustainable development e.g. in Health CC by Low-tech Lab Instructables (Craft section)

Find more P2P hubs …

… on the P2Pvalue Directory of Commons Based Peer Production (1)

This directory maps  examples of commons-based peer production. You can explore the directory by categories or add new cases. The Directory of CBPP is part of the P2Pvalue research project.

… on Wikipedia’s list of open-source hardware projects (2)

The list contains computer systems and components, cameras, radio, telephony, science education, machines and tools, robotics, renewable energy, home automation, medical and biotech, automotive, prototyping, test equipment, and musical instruments.

See Wikipedias list of open-source hardware projects.

… on David Bollier’s blog (3)

For another interesting list of repositories and projects klick here. You will land on David Bollier’s Blog, were he presents several projects that explore the commons as a new paradigm of economics, politics and culture.

More platforms with a focus on ‘production’, on ‘peer-driven production’ and on ‘commons-based initiatives’ include:

In addition, there is a range of mostly science related co-creation projects, some around commons-based peer-production, others tilting more towards a crowdsourcing & ‘citizen sience’-approach, such as EteRNA or the Do-It-Youself Biology‘-Community.

The basis of this selection is the content of the article “Learning by Sharing“.

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