Just got news about this years courses by the Free Technology Academy, which is a partner of http:/
=== Basic GNU/Linux [2] ===
This module covers the basics of the Free Software philosophy while teaching you how to use and modify GNU/Linux to suit your needs and how to find your way in this new world. Previous experience at user level with any operating system is recommended. Basic skills in systems administration in any platform is desirable. Please note that this module is not a master-level course.
The ‘Basic GNU/Linux’ course module is scheduled to start on April 9, 2012
Enrol here: http:/
=== GNU/Linux Advanced [3] ===
This module focuses on the administration of GNU/Linux systems.
Participants will learn how to install, configure and optimise a GNU/Linux operating system and the most common services. During this course learners will engage in practical activities related to these topics, applying them in real GNU/Linux systems. Basic knowledge of GNU/Linux is recommended. Expertise in system administration in any plattform is desirable background [2]. Understanding the Concepts of Free Software and Open Standards [4] is recommended.
The ‘GNU/Linux Advanced’ course module is scheduled to start on September 10, 2012
Enrol here: http:/
=== Other FTA Modules ===
The FTA has a wide offer of courses that can be run whenever there is a sufficient number of interested learners. Please check the list of modules [5] and check whether there is already a group of people interested in the discussion mailing list [6].
=== The Free Technology Academy ===
The FTA is a global community and network of academic and social organisations active in the fields of Free Software, Standards and Hardware. It is currently hosted by the Free Knowledge Institute (FKI) after its foundation in 2008 by the FKI, Open Universiteit Nederland, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universitet i Agder. After an inital period funded by the EC’s Lifelong Learning Programme, the FTA is currently run based on tuition fees and donations [7].
[1] http:/
[2] http:/
[3] http:/
[4] http:/
[5] http:/
[6] http:/
[7] https:/
Free Technology Academy Newsletter: http:/
Note: This text was first published on the blog of Balthas Seibold at the Alumniportal Germany (www.alumniportal-deutschland.org/en/). Check the blog ( register or login first). All blog entries represent the personal views and ideas of Balthas Seibold.